Columbia students protest visit

Emotions ran high at Columbia University on Monday, when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke on campus - to the disgust of many but with the approval of others.

Protesters yell at people passing through the 116th street entrance of Columbia University in New York City Monday, September 24. 2007 as Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the campus.
Photo: AP

In front of the school's gates on Broadway in northern Manhattan, Stephen Gruber, 51, held up his Columbia diploma along with a sign reading: "Diploma for sale - 50 cents."

"My father is a graduate of this school, and he passed away. I am going to return his degree posthumously. They have diminished the value of my [own] diploma, which is why I have it on sale for 50 cents," Gruber said.

Colin Felsman, 20, a currently enrolled student, said the visit was a great opportunity, adding: "He's the president of Iran, not the president of the world. Columbia University is acting in solidarity with the two-thirds of Iranians under the age of 30 who lack the ability to confront President Ahmadinejad."

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