Claiming Your Blog in Technorati

According to Technorati data there are over 175,000 new blogs every day. Technorati is the leader in tracking the activity of blogs on the “World Live Web”. Currently they are tracking 60 million blogs. There is roughly 1.6 million posts per day, or over 18 updates a second.
So why should you claim your blog at Technorati? Because, it could mean more traffic to your blog. As a member of Technorati your blog will be indexed and updated automatically making it easy for readers to find you. Technorati also makes it easy for you to search, discover and organize other blogs.

Claiming your blog establishes that you are its owner, and allows you to use Technorati Service to help increase your blog’s visibility.

Claiming your blog is very simple. Click on the claim your blog button on the homepage. This will direct you to sign up for an account. After you have signed up you will be directed on how to claim your blog. They give you three different ways to can claim your blog.

Quick Claim

It’s quick! Just enter the username and password for your blog. This information will only be used to verify that you own the blog, and it won’t be shared or stored.

Post Claim

Just write a new post in your blog that includes a special link to your Technorati Profile to get the ball rolling. You can always delete the post later. In addition to claiming your blog, you’ll be able to customize a widget for your blog to feature a “search this blog” box, a “blogs that link here” link, or profile information.

Embedded Claim

To use Embedded Claim you will need to be able to edit your blog homepage HTML or template.

After you choose one of these three ways to claim your blog you will be directed to configuration page. This is where you will include your blog description, tags and copy the javascript to be embedded in your blogs template. That’s it. It’s easy, it free and it could mean more traffic to your blog.

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